Group: Beginners to Exercise

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gradual weight loss

2013/08/19, 12:28 AM
I did Shaun T's insanity and found I didn't loss any weight but lost a lot of inches properly because of muscle gain, but it was too much too quick and I have put the weight back on. Its just too high maintenance. So I decided to start insanity again but rather then 6 times a week I am going to do it 3 times a week missing out recovery days. The workouts are about 45 minutes long and are high intensity. I've also cut down on my amount of carbs I eat. This usually consists of no carbs for breakfast (eg egg white emolette on non-workout days/ protein shake workout days) no carb lunch (fish/chicken with veg/salad) and dinner will contain some carbs. Any snacks I have are usually low calorie.

I don't want to lose weight too fast because I want to keep it off.
I have always had a pretty healthy lifestyle and did competitive sport from about 8 but now I have a bad shoulder injury and have to watch what I do.
Is this enough for weight loss and is there anything I can do to improve?
Also is protein powder still a good idea now I've dropped to the amount of workouts I do?
Any general tips and advice would be appreciated too.
Posts: 91
Joined: 2013/08/08
United States
2013/08/20, 12:15 AM
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

That being said. Fitness, health and proper weight is a lifestyle. There are no short cuts,,,,,Ever

Do the work. Eat properly. . Rest.

You need approximately 1 gram of protien per pound of body weight. If you can't get that in diet, a whey supplement may help. Heavy exercise may dictate that you boost protein a bit more. Be wary of workouts that cause your weight to yoyo.